My Kids Amaze Me
Loving others is not as easy as it sounds. To not judge another human being because they are different from me. To not retaliate when someone judges me. Those are really difficult things for me. Today was the last day of swim lessons for my two younger guys. At the end of each lesson the kids get about five minutes of free time. My middle son is nine. Ever since he was little, every adult who would describe him to me always used the word "sweet". Now, he is also my most sensitive kid. Today I was watching him during free time and thinking, "If I were nine years old and I were going to pick a friend, it would be my nine year old son. He is friendly and fun. He is kind to everyone." There was another boy in his class he was playing with and this boy kept splashing my son in the face. Every time he did it my son would wipe his face and just keep playing with this boy. Now the third time you could tell he was a little upset, but he just wiped his face and kept on ...